Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Causes and prevention of bad breath

Most people believe bad breath is caused by eating or drinking consumables that are especially odorous. Well for me that is partially true. Basically, all the food you eat begins to be broken down in your mouth. As foods are digested and absorbed into your bloodstream, they are eventually carried to your lungs and given off in your breath. If you eat foods with strong odors (such as garlic or onions), brushing and flossing -- even mouthwash -- merely covers up the odor temporarily. The odor will not go away completely until the foods have passed through your body. Thats what I think causes bad breath. What do you think? share with me your opinion.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Common causes of illness

There are over a hundred things that breaks down our body or sometimes we just have skin infections to tell us, there is something wrong inside. I will list some basic causes of illness in our body, but you are welcome to share your knowledge with us.
1. Not washing your hands when you get home.
2. Using the tea cup without washing it thoroughly.
3. Not taking your bath at least twice a day.
4. Forgetting to paste in the morning because you are late.
5. Not taking enough water daily.
6. Not having enough sleep at night. At least 8 hours

Well I think we can go on and on. But let me end here so you could also share your ideas to live a sickness free life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Health Benefits of Lime

Lime contains by far more vitamin C than the lemon. A glass of warm water with lime juice and a teaspoonful of honey is an ideal remedy for cold and dry cough.
Lime juice is a pep-up in cases of listlessness and a rundown feeling due to vitamin deficiency.

The pectin content in fruit pulp is said to be beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol.

The vitamin C content in lime increases the body's resistance to disease, aids the healing of wounds and prevents damage to the eyes.

Vitamin C is also helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth and other bones of the body. It prevents decay and loosening of the teeth, dental caries, toothache, bleeding of the gums and fragility of bones. The rind of the fruit also has medicinal properties. It contains a volatile oil which is used in medicine for improving digestion and removing wind.

Lime is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive disorders.
The lime juice is of great value in constipation, when it is taken first thing in the morning in a glass of warm water.

The citric acid in limes has an alkaline reaction in the system which can relieve peptic ulcers. Few drops of warm lime-juice diluted with water should be instilled in the eyes in case of conjunctivitis. Its regular use with pure rose water in the ratio of 1:4 is helpful in preventing old-age cataract.
Lime juice diluted in warm water was proven valuable in cystitis. It gives relief to burning sensation and also stops bleeding in cystitis.

The lime juice is also excellent for weight reduction. Fresh juice' of a lime mixed in a glassful of water and sweetened with honey should be taken every morning on empty stomach in case of obesity.

Lime contain limonene, this phytochemical are potent detoxifiers with anti-biotic effect that is protective against bacterial poisoning.

The potent anti-viral properties in lime can kill cholera bacilli within a very short period of time. Drink one part juice and one part water regularly.

Lemon peels when rub on dry or scaly skin can restore softness and add moisture to the skin.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Health Benefits of Green Pepper

Bell peppers as some people call it are packed with several nutrients. They are a good source of vitamin C, thiamine, vitamin B6, beta carotene, and folic acid.

They also contain a large amount of phytochemicals that have exceptional antioxidant activity. Those phytochemicals include chlorogenic acid, zeaxanthin, and coumeric acid

When comparing the nutrient values of the different bell peppers, studies have shown that red bell peppers have significantly higher levels of nutrients than green.

Red bell peppers also contain lycopene, which is a carotene that helps to protect against cancer and heart disease.

Possibly due to their vitamin C and beta carotene content, bell peppers have been shown to be protective against cataracts. Just like other nutrient-dense vegetables, bell peppers contain many different powerful phytochemicals.

Bell peppers have also been shown to prevent blood clot formation and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes probably due to their content of substances such as vitamin C, capsaicin, and flavonoids.

Although chili peppers contain a higher amount of those substances, bell peppers should still be promoted especially for individuals with elevated cholesterol levels.

Health Benefits of Carrot

Carrot is a vegetable grown for its edible root. Raw carrots are eaten in salads and are mixed with some viands.
Carrot contain carotene, a chemical that is converted into vitamin A by the body, it helps prevent night blindness.

• Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk.
• Carrot can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.
• When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
• Raw contain beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer.
• Carrot juice when taken everyday prevent bodily infections and is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys).
• Carrot can help improve eyesight.
• Carrot can help increase menstrual flow.
• Carrots can regulate blood sugar.
• Carrot can promote colon health, because carrot is rich in fiber.
• Carrot is also helpful in the following cases : Obesity, Poisoning of the blood, Gum disease, Insomnia, Inflamed Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder, Alzheimer's disease, Colitis, Ulcer Painful urination

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Some benefits of Orange

Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful elements.Orange is Beneficial in the following cases :Asthma,Bronchitis,Tuberculosis,Pneumonia,Rheumatism,Prevent kidney stone,Helps lower cholesterol,Helps prevent diabetes,Arthritis,High blood pressure,Persons addicted to alcohol have found that the desire for liquor is,greatly reduced by drinking of orange juice.
Important tip :
The skin or the pith of the orange has as much vitamin c as the orange so one must try to eat it. You can add some spices to it, if you think it is not edible.

Some benefits of cabbage

The health benefits of cabbage include treatment of constipation, stomach ulcers, headache, excess weight, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, ageing, and Alzheimer's disease.
Did you know that the cheap, humble looking and so widely used cabbage could work miracles? Cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica family, round or oval in shape, consisting of soft light green or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It is widely used throughout the world, eaten cooked or raw as salad and is a very popular vegetable.
There are soo many benefits of cabbage to talk about. If you want to know more, tell me.

Some benefits of apple

Apple contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that can strengthen the blood and also
contains  malic acid and tartaric acid, that can help prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion.
Eating an apple daily can lower cholesterol and reduce skin diseases.
Apples have been recommended for : Obesity, Headache, Arthritis, Bronchial asthma, Inflammation of the bladder, Gonorrhea, Anemia, Tuberculosis, Neuritis, Insomnia, Catarrh, Gallbladder stones, Worms, Halithosis, Pyorrhea.  Children whose mothers eat more apples during pregnancy lowers the rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples. 
The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.
A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.


Definition Of Health
The state of being hale, sound, or whole, in body, mind, or soul; especially, the state of being free from physical disease or pain.
Surely everyone has heard by now that the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables is 5 portions. In some instances, the recommended intake of fruit and vegetables is steadily rising up to 13 portions a day, in the hope of encouraging people to become more healthy. Eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can lower and prevent a number of serious illnesses and health problems, such as cancer, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.
Once you start to eat healthy and if you couple this with a number of exercise sessions throughout the week, you will soon start to see and feel the benefits. Some benefits are, loosing weight, having more energy, look better and feel happier.
If you generally do not eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and are finding it difficult to add a few more portions to your daily diet, here are a few ideas to start you off:
  • Start the day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice
  • Add sliced banana, strawberries, kiwi to your breakfast cereal
  • Have a fruit smoothie for breakfast made with banana, yogurt and other fruit
  • Add lettuce, sliced tomato, cucumber to sandwiches
  • Try different and exotic salads for a change
  • Have a fruit salad for desert